How To Make 70 Bacardi Jelly Shots

JIGGLE.IN recipe. *hic*

Dissolve 8 (yes, 8) packets of kosher or veggie jelly crystals in 1 (yes, 1) cup of boiling water. You’ll need to do this on the hob with a whisk. It takes several minutes for it all to dissolve.

Turn off the hob. (Very important. Alcohol vapour is explosive.) And keep whisking vigorously until it cools down a bit. Don’t splash! Hot syrupy liquid scalds instan...tly.

Pour in 1 litre of Bacardi in one go whilst whisking.

Use a jug to pour into shot cups.

Let them cool without moving them. Then refrigerate for ages. Alcoholic jelly is a witch to set.


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